Some of the ways that we are in Service to Others
Warmth Tree
Each Advent a Warmth Tree is placed in the church and used to collect hats, gloves, and scarves. These are then donated to organizations that can distribute them to people in need.
Saugus United Parish Food Pantry
During the past year many bags and boxes of food items have been donated by members of St. John's. These food items have been taken to the Food Pantry at the Cliftondale Congregational Church. The Food Pantry is open every Friday from 9:30AM to 11:00AM.
The Rev. Roger E. Nelson & Dotsie Nelson Scholarship
The goal of this scholarship is to be able to award a scholarship to all students who apply and meet the criteria. Scholarships are awarded out to church members who are graduating high school seniors.
We also keep an eye towards global needs.
As examples, St. John's supports the regional and global efforts of Episcopal Relief and Development, and our youth participate in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine . They have also raised funds to benefit projects such as World Concern’s 44 Cent Cure.
We also host visiting priests who come to preach and collect funds on behalf of Food For The Poor, and parishioners collect useful items to aid Operation Christmas Child.
Warmth Tree
Each Advent a Warmth Tree is placed in the church and used to collect hats, gloves, and scarves. These are then donated to organizations that can distribute them to people in need.
Saugus United Parish Food Pantry
During the past year many bags and boxes of food items have been donated by members of St. John's. These food items have been taken to the Food Pantry at the Cliftondale Congregational Church. The Food Pantry is open every Friday from 9:30AM to 11:00AM.
The Rev. Roger E. Nelson & Dotsie Nelson Scholarship
The goal of this scholarship is to be able to award a scholarship to all students who apply and meet the criteria. Scholarships are awarded out to church members who are graduating high school seniors.
We also keep an eye towards global needs.
As examples, St. John's supports the regional and global efforts of Episcopal Relief and Development, and our youth participate in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine . They have also raised funds to benefit projects such as World Concern’s 44 Cent Cure.
We also host visiting priests who come to preach and collect funds on behalf of Food For The Poor, and parishioners collect useful items to aid Operation Christmas Child.